Can Laser Hair Removal Cause Thrush?

Typically, laser hair removal treatments do not have any tendency to cause thrushes. Unless they are not done in a proper manner or with complete precautions, there is no reason that laser treatment will cause your thrushes. However, those who are already suffering...

Can Laser Hair Removal Cause Keloids?

There is no factual reason advocating laser’s tendency to cause Keloids, but those who develop very serious burns after a session must try not to get a laser hair removal that can trigger Keloids’s development. However, those who already have Keloids must try staying...

Can Laser Hair Removal Be Reversed?

Getting laser hair removal reversed is impossible in many cases unless you unethically ask your doctor to prescribe you some strong progesterone injections. Usually, you get your hair grown back after a few weeks and waiting for a little might get you to your desired...

Can Laser Hair Removal Damage Ovaries?

As the excepting mothers are told to avoid getting a laser hair removal treatment, professional laser hair removal is completely safe for a women’s reproductive system and especially for the ovaries. However, sometimes the laser beams might intensify and penetrate...

Can Laser Hair Removal Damage Tattoos?

Lasers are not powerful enough to distort or remove your tattoos. Unless there is some problem with the laser session and the radiations are strong enough to cause severe burns on your skin, your tattoo will stay perfectly alright if it is a professional one and not...