Is my shampoo causing hair loss?

The reason for using the shampoo is to keep scalp and hair clean. Ironically, some shampoos are actually a reason for hair loss, and they damage hair roots badly. Shampoo manufacturing companies add these ingredients in shampoos for fragrance or foaming purposes....

Why some shampoos cause hair damage and hair fall?

Some shampoos contain harmful preservatives, alcohol, greasers, and skin irritants. These are added to the shampoo to increase foaming, fragrance, and life of the shampoo. They affect the scalp’s health and cause irritation. Alcohol dehydrates the skin and...

How often should you shampoo hair?

If you have dry hair, then shampoo hair two to three times a week. Daily wash can make hair even drier and can cause hair fall. However, daily shampoo won’t hurt to oily hair. Always use a good shampoo that contains a little amount of preservatives and free from...

What are some sneaky causes of hair loss?

It’s not necessary that there is a serious health issue with you that causes hair loss. Sometimes, even minor issues can trigger hair loss that solves over time. It is called temporary hair fall and can be controlled with a good haircare routine. Weather shift, excess...

What are the major reasons for hair loss?

There is not one specific reason for hair loss. Many factors play their part in hair loss. Family history has a direct link with male-pattern baldness and female-pattern blandness. Alteration of hormonal levels during and after pregnancy is also a big reason for...

What is the Reason for Hair Loss from the Top of the Head?

There are many reasons for hair loss. Usually, hair loss starts from the top of the head, especially in men, and it’s known as androgenic alopecia or male type of baldness. Genetic predisposition is a common reason for it, while male sex hormones also trigger this...