What is Cryo-Facial?

This is a cryogenic treatment that is performed with a Cryo probe. It consists of beams vaporized with liquid nitrogen across the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. Don’t confuse it with cryotherapy chambers as these are used for pain relief. The cryo facial is very...

Which Facials Help Prevent Acne?

At this moment, we can’t confirm the specific facial types that help prevent acne breakouts in the future. Instead, we will recommend you look for facials that use antibacterial ingredients with the likes of tree tea oil and lavender. This helps to prevent acne...

Should You Have a Facial During Periods?

If you know the routine, then it’s best to get a facial 10 days before because the amounts of sebum are at its highest during this time. You should avoid having a facial during periods because if your skin is acne-prone, then the facial will only make things...

Should You Have a Facial During Pregnancy?

If you are talking about basic cleansing, then facials are perfectly safe for you. Yes, a basic cleansing facial with no bells or whistles like chemical peels, laser therapy, or currents is safe for you. Just make sure you let the esthetician know you are expecting...

What Things You Should Avoid After a Facial?

The common things you should avoid doing after a facial include picking at the skin and avoid heavy makeup/skincare products. You have to go easy on your face when you wash it and skip the toner. Avoid the sauna as well, and do rethink the post-facial massage. This...

What Will Happen If You Don’t Use Skin Care?

If you stop taking care of your skin, then it will lead to excessive oil production, dryness, or even eczema-like skin. If you continuously remain careless, then it will start a vicious cycle in which your skin will counteract the products. So, consult with the...