Are Facial Wipes Bad for Your Skin?

While facial wipes are effective for removing dust and debris, they can be harsh on your skin as they contain strong chemicals. These chemicals can strip your skin of its natural oils, which can disturb the PH of the acid mantle, thus leading to issues like irritation...

Are Facial Steamers Good for Acne?

It’s a major misconception, facial steamers aren’t very effective against acne. Yes, they can open up your pores to help extract blackheads and whiteheads. But when it comes to pimples or severe acne, facial steamers are not going to help you.

Are Facial Exercises Effective?

Facial exercises are effective against sagging skin, achieving a slim face effect, and even reducing wrinkles to an extent. However, we recommend you not to go crazy and consult with your esthetician first.

Are Facial Massagers Worth It?

We assume you mean facial massage devices by “massagers.” There are several benefits to frequent massages. Yes, they can improve your skin’s outlook, increase the blood flow, improves circulation, and helps fight off puffiness. So yes, face massagers are a worthy...

Are Facial Oils Bad for Skin?

Well, most oils are safe as long as you use them in small amounts. But there are a few things you need to avoid using, depending on your skin’s type and issues. For instance, if something works for dry skin, it isn’t necessarily good for oily or normal skin.