Can cosmetologist do microdermabrasion?

It depends on the country or state you are living in. For instance, if you are present in Texas, then you can get this treatment done from a cosmetologist as the state allows a cosmetologist or esthetician to practice it. On the other hand, Iowa state demands an...

Can you do Microdermabrasion at home?

Yes, it can be done at home. The home Microdermabrasion facial kits are just like the facial scrubs that remove dead skin cells and contain aluminium oxidize crystals. If you want dramatic results, then visit the clinic of a professional therapist equipped with...

Does microdermabrasion cause acne?

It’s a good treatment for a certain type of depressed acne scars such as those who pit on the epidermis. It never causes acne, and the breakout you see after the treatment is actually the hidden acne in your skin that comes out after the removal of the top layer of...